
BC Trees Organic Oil Cartridge (new strains!)


$20 – $45.00

  • Cartridges are in 0.5 ml size
  • Select from variety of strains, battery and cart sold separately
  • Express shipping world wide
  • Full product description below
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BC Trees offers premium Organic CO2 extracted oil for cannabis vaping. BC Trees grows all of their own plants using the completely organic Destiny Grow Systems. This method of growing is 100% organic throughout the grow cycle and no chemical pesticides are used.

Harvested plants are hung dry using the cold cure method. With the cold cure, plants are hung in a cold environment, taking more than three weeks to fully dry. This method of drying ensures maximum terpene preservation, ensuring the highest quality and flavour possible.

Cartridges are sold in 0.5 ml size.

Select from drop down, battery and cart sold separately.

Find other strains and battery pen here


If you haven’t used our wickless ceramic cartridges, then get ready for the future of oil vape cartridges! While everyone else has been catching up with the quality of our glass and ceramic vape cartridges, we have been continuing to perfect the puff with our cutting edge 510 thread ceramic vape cartridges.


  • Internally heated ceramic element
  • Wickless and Coil-less design – your oil is heated directly from the ceramic element
  • Best cartridge available for more than one fill


  1. Place the tip of the cartridge to your lips and draw air through it 3 times. This ensures the oil will coat the ceramic coils inside. Not doing this prior to use will heat the coils dry and will result in a metallic taste. After coating coils, press the button on pen (if it has a button) and draw air through the cartridge while depressing the button.
  2. Moderate your dose by the length of time you hold the button. The longer you hold the button the faster the oil will vaporize.
  3. Whenever the button is depressed, remember to draw air through the cartridge.

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1:1 Blend, AC/DC 4:1, Death Bubba, EI Jefe, Golden Goat, Indica Blend, Magic Jack, Pink Death, Pink Kush, Vape Pen Battery


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